Implementing Educational Change
What is Educational Change?
Educational change is teaching content, using teaching styles and technologies that are up to date with today’s students. Educational institutes must change as society changes and should be leading the way.
Why Change?
Students are becoming more and more reliant on social media than ever before. Hardly any student goes a day without checking their emails, texting friends and surfing the internet. These are all skills that are also used in today’s society. Schools should be embracing these tools and using them to help teach the curriculum as well as the skills needed to work today’s world. Students are also becoming harder to motivate in a classroom setting. Incorporating media into other subject areas will not only make learning fun but it will also make it seem relevant.
Will It Be Difficult?
No, educational change is as easy as becoming open to new ideas. As teachers, we must not fear the unknown, and start looking at change as a positive advancement and be excited about trying something new.
What Does It Look Like?
Most classrooms will not look much different than your current classroom. You will just be using the resources differently. YouTube, Facebook and blogs can be incorporated into lessons. Student can communicate with others before, during and after school hours. Assignments cannot be limited to just pen and paper and the community could be more aware about the things happening in schools.
Who Can Help Me?
There is help everywhere. Talk to other teachers that have already started the change. Search blogs for other teachers that are going through the same steps that you are. Look for internet sites that help teach you about incorporating media into the classroom. Don’t be scared to ask people in the community to get involved.
How Do I Promote Educational Change?
It is easy. Just lead by example. Once teachers see how effective incorporating media into other subjects are they will follow. Discuss your ideas with other teachers, share you students' work by displaying it out there for everyone to see and provide assistants when necessary. Remember you don’t have to lead educational change by yourself, you can be a guide.
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